Local Awareness Facebook Ads

If you want to get the word out about your dental practice, it’s important to be specific about who you’re marketing to.Perhaps you don’t want to advertise your practice outside of an 80-mile radius.
If you’re in Pennsylvania and someone in California sees your ad, it’s of no use to anyone.
Local awareness advertising is a great way to reach local audiences, and now you can use the new Map Card to share locally relevant details about your dental business, such as: Ta.
B.Address, distance to store, hours of operation, and “Get Directions” link.
A CTA can also be a call button, a simple request to schedule an appointment.

Local Awareness for Dental Practices

2. Click to Call Ads
The main goal for dental marketing or advertising is that patients and prospects book an appointment—which is usually done by picking up the phone and calling the office. Click-to-call ads are available through Facebook and Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) on mobile, desktop, and tablet. This extension can be added to existing ads, or you can create call-only campaigns.

Click-to-Call Ads

4. Facebook Demographic Targeting

Facebook has an insane amount of demographic targeting available, and you can be using this to your advantage. Other than the obvious, you can also target potential customers by language, relationship status, employment, income, and interests. Research has shown that women make 90% of all dental buying decisions. Make sure you’re getting in front of the crowd by targeting ads to women who recently bought children’s clothes and live in your area.

Dental Marketing on Mobile

5. Appointment Reminders

Whether it comes in the form of a postcard or a phone call, appointment reminders are important to make sure your patients show up. Streamline this process by using Google calendar alerts, and sending appointment confirmations and reminder by email.

You can also easily use these methods to remind your patients to make an appointment, i.e. for an annual cleaning.

Appointment Reminders for Dental Practices



Alvo de receita do Google Ads Sim, todos deveriam usar fio dental regularmente e ir ao dentista para limpeza anual dos dentes.Na verdade, este não é o caso da maioria das pessoas.O Google Ads permite segmentar diferentes dados demográficos com base no nível de renda. para a guia Configurações e selecione Localização avançada.Este menu abre:

Income Targeting on AdWords

Income Targeting on AdWords

7. Anúncios de remarketing

O remarketing é frequentemente descrito como “dinheiro fácil”. Ele ajuda você a alcançar pessoas que visitaram seu site (alguns sites de dentistas incríveis aqui) ou praticam, veiculando anúncios específicos focados em recapturar esses clientes em potencial. Em seu consultório odontológico, se você coletar endereços de e-mail, poderá aproveitá-los por meio da Segmentação por lista de clientes no Google Ads e no Facebook. Basta fazer upload dos endereços de e-mail para criar um público de remarketing e criar um anúncio que atraia os pacientes a visitar seu consultório novamente – talvez um lembrete para uma limpeza ou clareamento.

8. Tipo de anúncio de mensagens do Facebook

O Facebook anunciou um recurso de anúncio que utiliza o Messenger para se comunicar com empresas0. Os anunciantes poderão usar “Enviar mensagem” como CTA em seus anúncios, o que levaria o cliente potencial ao Messenger. Isso está apenas na versão beta agora, mas deve ser lançado totalmente em breve!


15. E-mail marketing

Imagine um mundo em que seus pacientes pudessem enviar um e-mail para o consultório quando quisessem marcar uma consulta. Sua recepcionista pode responder com algumas opções de horário e, ta-da, um compromisso está marcado e no calendário. Melhor ainda, você pode enviar contas dessa forma, e-mails de lembrete e um lindo “faz um tempo que não vemos você!” e-mails.

Dental Marketing on Email

16. Referral Bonuses

The Pride Institute reports that 93% of people trust recommendations from their friends. Encourage those recommendations! Referral bonuses can be used to retain current customers and expand your practice. Express your gratitude and give $10 off a dental visit for every referral that makes an appointment! To make it easy, give out business referral cards when patients check-out and tuck them into any mail you send.

Emergency keywords for Dentists

17. Video Advertising

As Margot recently reported, the healthcare industry is increasingly using video marketing. Don’t miss the boat! Video with real people from your practice can help develop a personal connection with your prospects, which can lead to trust, recommendations, and more appointments.


18. Direct Mail

The days of stuffing mailboxes with postcard advertisements are not over. Direct mail still works, especially for baby boomers, and it is a good opportunity to show off your specialty or competitive price points. One practice found that out of every 5,000 postcards sent, they received an average of 35 phone calls and 7 new patients. That’s a great return on investment!

19. Local Events

As a kid, I played in recreational sports leagues where each team was sponsored by a local business, which paid for our team shirts emblazoned with the business’s logo. Not only does this get your business out in front of parents with little kids, you could also throw in free toothbrushes and a small postcard with information on kid’s dental health. A practice that did this with kindergarteners reported that 70% of parents switched to the practice after receiving this info.

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